Monday, December 19, 2011

I like your S T Y L E.

"...Oh I beg you cannot follow
Oh I ask you wanna always
Be the ocean where unravel
Be my only, be the water and waiting
You’re my river running high, run deep run wild..."

"I Follow Rivers," Lykke Li 2011

Too many pictures.
Too much inspiration.
Welcome to the world of fashion.
Never be afraid to explore.
Be L O U D. Be B R A V E. Be seen.
Fashion is a rapid river, jump in a swim wild.

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

S T U D fierce.

"...You'll probably think I'm gonna rip your heart to pieces
Get you in the sheets, and hit it up and leave it.
Mommy always told me 
poppa always warned me don't hang around boys like you
Teacher always told me never to be naughty 
don't mess around with boys like you..."

"Boys like you," by 360 ft Gossling 2011

Feeling down?
Buckle up. Slip your feeties in these Givenchy bad boys and you are ready for whatever the day may bring. she runs along the path, people gaze on. Besotted. The ripple of the muscle in her legs encapsulates. She leaps. She bounds. She turns from side to side.

And in a flash she is gone. Through the door and away into some heavenly oasis, one thought.

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Monday, December 12, 2011

D R E A M it. Live it.

Climb the ladder.
Break the glass.
Skies the limit.
Whatever your barrier is...break it.

Dream big. Live big. Smile big.

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Saturday, December 10, 2011

S U E D I N G Sass.

...the music can be heard from around the corner. Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix. She quickens the pace on the suede booties; throwing a little skip in for excitement. 

The glittery, yellow luminescence illuminates the curb side. In she steps with a flick of the hair and a sly of the smile. Candy stripped straws flit in and out of the overpriced mineral waters. Her burgundy nails wrap around one.

...people seem to throw ever so slight; albeit not missed, glances in her general direction. She starts to wonder...but is interrupted by a hand sliding around her waist. 

...and he is there by her side. Smile.          ...Now they stare in awe.

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Friday, December 9, 2011

P O P P Y Blacks date night.

" this the longest Saturday ever?!" She wonders. You know those jitters you get on the lead up to a date? Like an upset tummy? [albeit a happy upset tummy] A big smile stretches across her face. Just a flash of his smile in her mind makes her squirm. 

Cool. Calm. Collected. Hurry up 8pm. Fingers start to get a little fidgety.                                                 C A L M  D O W N.

The sun is hot, the breeze is cooling, drinks will go down a treat. 

...then there's a knock at the door. Here we go.

C R E M O R N E Cups.

... as she waits in the sun on the milk crate, he skip. hop. jumps into her eyesight. The sound of Aloe Blaccs "I need a dollar" ring loud and true. 

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Thursday, December 8, 2011

P A R I S I A N Streets. she walks down the Rue de Honore, she pumps her hands whilst the beat of "Feel it" by Feist plays in her ears. Her pink blazer leaves a spell in her wake.

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

B L O O M I N G creatures

“...These boots are made for walking, 
and that’s just what they’ll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you...”

These boots are made for walking,' by Nancy Sinatra Jr 1966

Flowers bloom after her tred
With diamonds that glitter, people forget what's being said
Crooked with indecision, her head is a turning
The curves of her cream neoprene
swish with the wind, making a scene.

- Kaleidoscope Eyes

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Toe cap T R U M P S

"...Waiting in a car
Waiting for a ride in the dark
The night city grows

Look and see her eyes, they glow..."

Midnight City, M83 2011

She walks through the crowd
Everyone turns to see the walk, so proud
Her neon tank  blinds the wandering eye
Her pony flicks with a swish
Those eyes and the power they dish.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The G L I T T E R I N G miles

"...Great Dane's cheekbones 
Teenage hormones
Young complexion
Non-physical affection
You're a God send
Do you want a boyfriend?
Crazy crazy, easy tiger..."

"NΓΈrgaard,"  The Vaccines  2011

All that G L I T T E R S and shines.
Turns all heads and minds.
The whip of the locks
Gets men on the starting blocks
Then she smiles...

And they come running from miles.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

R A I N and S T U D

"...Against the grain of dystopic claims
Not the thoughts your actions entertained
And you, have proved, to beA real human being, a real hero..."
"A Real Hero," College ft Electric Youth 2011

Rain and sombre thoughts don't mix.One must find a fix.If one puts on their weaponry,to face the day,it might not seem like such a dismay. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

S K U L L and B O N E

A Monday meeting requires some bone.
To show who's king of the throne.
With black 7/8 stovepipes.
A white singlet of oversize.
One whisks in with hair slicked back.
Lets begin this Monday with a crack.

- The girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Thursday, November 24, 2011


"...Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
with tangerine trees and marmalade skies.

Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
a girl with kaleidoscope eyes..."

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, The Beatles, 1967

And so it begins.
Finally I have given in and am putting my thoughts, dreams and loves down on [virtual] paper. Those moments that you catch yourself  d a y d r e a m i n g  are the moments I savour. 

Come explore my mind. 

And here begins my journey. My thoughts. My dreams. Me.
I hope you love it as much as I do.

...Because that's all one person can hope for.
Love more. Love big. Just love. 

- Kaleidoscope Eyes